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How to delete content from Twitter

delete content from Twitter

On the other hand, a clumsiness can turn a simple Twitt viral and generate dire consequences.

There is a lot of your personal data that is part of your Twitter profile. Full name and surname, personal web page, or even a small biography that you no longer want to be there.

Twitter provides different ways to report various breaches or abuses in the treatment of personal information by third parties, among which are the publication of private information on Twitter, identity theft , or harassment .

We can require the platform itself to remove all or part of the content that you do not want to be public.

The first step is always to contact the person who uploaded the content requesting its removal, if this is not possible or the content went viral, you should request the removal from the platform that provided the means for the publication, in this case Twitter, accrediting your identity and indicating which links contain the data you want to cancel.

Twitter should decide on the deletion request within a maximum period of one month from receipt of the request, but if this does not happen or the response is unsatisfactory, you can file the corresponding claim with the Spanish data protection agency itself and accompany it with the supporting documentation of having requested the deletion before Twitter.

There are also several options to ensure that information from your Twitter account does not appear in Google searches or you can make your profile disappear from the social network, or from the browser or you can remove your own or other people’s content from the social network .

You can do the process yourself, or request that they do it for you.


  • Analysis of your request and your status as an interested person, if it is a minor under 14 years of age, you can act on their behalf if you are their parent or guardian.
  • We will take care of carrying out the procedures before Twitter acting on your behalf, and proceeding to the elimination of the content on Twitter that you have requested.
  • If Twitter does not remove the requested content, we will file a formal claim with Twitter at the AEPD to which we attach the documentation of the claim made to the person responsible for disseminating the content.
  • Sending responses and solutions provided, until the removal of the content object of the claim.